Workshop on Vietnam testing industry trends in the period of 2021 – 2025

The year 2020 has passed with countless economic, political and social upheavals and ushered in a year 2021 with many challenges and difficulties. Along with that, the new political apparatus and many newly signed economic agreements will certainly bring many opportunities and challenges to Vietnamese economy, including the analytical and experimental industry.

“Seminar on opportunities and challenges for the analytical & laboratory industry in the period of 2021 – 2025 and new analytical methods in environmental pollution control, food and pharmaceutical safety”  was held to update to individuals/organizations/enterprises operating in this field an overall picture of the development trend of the testing industry in the next 5 years.

Time: April 29, 2021
Location: 1st Floor, Novotel Hotel, No. 2 Thai Ha, Dong Da District, City. Hanoi

Organizer: Analytica Vietnam Exhibition Organizing Committee (IMAG GmbH)
Co-organizers: Vietnam Association of Laboratories (Vinalab) & Vietnam Chemical Society (CSV)

The seminar was successfully held with the participation of more than 300 delegates across the country.

Under the chairmanship of Dr. Nguyen Hoang Linh, Prof. Dr. Nguyen Van Noi and Assoc. Dr. Do Quang Huy, the workshop listened to MSc. Vu Anh Tuan, Deputy Director of the National Department of Science and Technology Information, shared about the orientations and policies for science and technology development and the support of the Ministry of Science and Technology for the development of the industry. science and technology, especially analytical testing in the period from now to 2025.

Economic expert Nguyen Tri Hieu shared about the opportunities and challenges of the country’s economy in the context of Vietnam joining many trade agreements; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Van Viet – Chairman of Beer Alcohol Beverage Association share about the current situation and development trend of Vietnam’s beverage industry in the next 5 years; representative of the Central Institute for Drug Testing – Dr. Le Quang Thao shared about the changes, opportunities and challenges of the pharmaceutical testing field in Vietnam in the next 5 years.

Dr. Bui Van Ngoc, Deputy Director of Key Laboratory – Institute of Biotechnology – Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology shared about development opportunities, challenges and changes in investment methods of the companies. state laboratories for the period of 2021-2025.

Prof. Dr. Pham Hung Viet, Director of the Key Laboratory of Applied Analytical Technology in Environmental Testing and Food Safety at the University of Natural Sciences sharing about the need to invest in equipment for the field of chemical analysis and testing in the university, and many scientific papers sharing about new analytical methods in the field of environmental pollution control market, food safety and pharmaceutical production.

Hach’s new technology in online/process TOC analysis. New needs and practices for online process analyzers for mandatory criteria and metals for waste source management according to Circular 24/2017/TT-BTNMT on Environmental Monitoring Technical Regulations.

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